March 12, 2008

Drive Safely

The reason why I need to talk about driving today is because we just had a heart-pumping experience in the road today! We somehow thankfully managed to escape from a non-attentive driver today, who almost hit us simply because he was using our lane not his, in a two lane road. We were driving towards a blind spot of a winding road, when an incoming big four wheel drive truck was coming towards us very quickly and the truck was more than half in our side. In short, the driver of the truck was using around three feet of our lane. Thank God that both cars were able to swing away from each other before any head-on collision occured. So I am extremely grateful that nothing happened, and everyone is safe in both cars.

I just hope that all drivers out there will always be responsible and always be careful in the road. If you are tired, sleepy, drunk, or dizzy, big favor, dont drive! Better safe, than sorry, wait until you can safely drive and can stay in your own lane. Remember that in a road full of cars, there are lives in each one of them.

March 6, 2008

Back To Italian Restaurant Again

We had a quick drive to downtown, so we decided to swing by the Italian restaurant again. As usual, i ordered the same thing, Fettucini Pesto with Shrimps, and had some warm soup and bread as first the course. We been served by two people today, a waiter took our order and bring them to us, then a waitress did all the follow-ups as far as what else we needed like additional bread and some butter requests. The soup had more veggies this time, so that was cool. But the bread was not as warm as usual, and when we ran out of bread, nobody asked if we wanted more, so we thought that they changed the rules in their restaurant, perhaps no more additional free breads, huh? But later we find out that the bread were still in the oven, as explained by the waitress, when she finally brought fresh from the oven breads! The meal was fantastic, I ended up requesting a box for my leftover again.

After we were done with the meals, we drove off to Walmart to get some groceries. On our way back to the car, while walking in the Walmart parking lot, a lady driving near where we walked slowed down in front of us and uttered our way, How Are You Guys? And we recognized her right away as the lady waitress who just served us like an hour earlier. No wonder why she left us the bill early :-) She handed us the bill of our order, the same time she handed us the food, lol. She was close to sign-off work that time, i guess, and I can understand why she left the bill early, which doesnt happen everytime we go in that restaurant, she probably just want to be able to get the tip before she leave off work, lol.

Anyways, just wanna great everyone a good night! Thanks for your visit here again.

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