Calling all bloggers out there, if you currently own and maintain a blog or two, you might be interested to earn some extra income by doing reviews and opinions about company products and services and post such reviews in your blog and get paid by doing so. The best part is, you can do the reviews in your own style and writing, all you need is to add some links within your reviews that will go the company site that requested the review and you get paid for blogging and posting it in your blog.
Smorty is a service company that connects bloggers like you to companies and businesses that want their products and services get reviewed. All you need is a working and updated blog and once your blog meets the minimum criteria and get approved, you can now start adding blog advertising in the form of a post review or opinion. When you get paid to blog with Smorty, you as the blogger have total control which of the opportunities that they give you that you want to accept, so that you are not force to write something that you are not comfortable writing about or something that you are not knowledgeable of.
So if you already own a blog and have the spare time to do blogging, why not get paid to blog and get compensated for your time and effort talking about products and services of businesses and companies.